Tuesday, March 9, 2010

It Is Official.......I AM A SURVIVOR

I am done with chemo! My last round was Friday-March 5th. I was surrounded by the love of many friends and family that sat with me and watched as the last drop of poison entered my body and they took the needle out one last time. I still cant believe I did it. I Actually did it! I am shocked. I can honestly say I did not think I had what it took to complete the chemo. I watched people (young and old) come and go. Some didn't make it....some chose to stop.... some are still there....and I finished. Week after week I went and endured the chemo process and the sickness that would follow. After going through 2 surgeries, 20 grueling weeks of torture that saved my life, 16 rounds of chemo, 18 blood draws, 1 ER visit, 1 blood transfusion, MRI's, MUGA Scans and Ultrasounds, a lot of sleepless nights, numerous DR visits, infections, and medications given with a stack of paid bills and receipts to prove it-I have earned the right to say I am a Survivor.

I am still involved in the Clinical Trial and will do that every 3 weeks until October. My nose is still bleeding so I may stop earlier if we can't get the nosebleeds under control. Following the Clinical Trial, I will have the double Mastectomy with reconstruction as well as a hysterectomy. When all of this is over-I should be as good as new.

For now-I will focus on gaining my strength back and enjoying life as I did before all of this happened. Looking forward to bad hair days and working out to get my body back in shape.
More updates later.